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10-Week Summer Flower Subscription

Hidden Track Farm is pleased to present our first-ever flower subscription.  10 weeks of delight await you as we prepare a fresh bouquet for you each week.  We're growing over 50 types of flowers on the farm this season, so no two bouquets will be the same.


Depending on how well Mother Nature cooperates, we anticipate the first bouquets will be available on the first day of summer, June 20th, and will continue weekly through August 22nd.  You'll be notified by email at least one week before your subscription starts.


** Update: due to lots of rain and lack of heat, we're now anticipating subscription weeks of July 4th through September 5th **


Options include on-farm pick up or contact-free delivery.  You choose!  More details below.


Purchasing a subscription as a gift?  We're happy to provide a digital gift certificate that you can share.



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Subscription Details



On-farm Pick up


If you've chosen this option, bouquets will be available between Noon and 4pm on Sundays at our farm.  Please bring your own vase if you wish to transport in water.  While you're here, you're welcome to go for a walk in our flower field. 



Delivery is offered to single family homes within the Greater Victoria area.  If you've chosen this option, flowers will be delivered on Sunday mornings.  Please leave a clean vessel with water on your front step.  A shady location is recommended.


Zero Waste

We're happy to receive your spent flowers and add them to our compost pile.  Just drop them off at the farm or leave them out on delivery day.


Away on Holiday?

One time during your subscription, you can defer your bouquet for 1 week.  We'll simply add an extra bouquet the following week.  Please provide 48 hours notice by email.


**Please note**

When you proceed through check-out, your order will appear with the Shipping Details of "Pick-Up on Farm".  This is an unfortunate limitation of our website.  As long as you have selected the "10-week Flower Subscription (delivered)" product option, be assured that your subscription will be delivered.

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